Wendy Haydon
 CH2M Hill
 Sacramento, CA
 [email protected]








Wendy Haydon has worked for CH2M HILL for 22 years – she is an Environmental Planner. Prior to her work at CH2M HILL, she worked as an Environmental Planner at Dames & Moore, and also as a research assistant at Resource Management International while in college (both are companies that no longer exist). Wendy is a Project Manager at CH2M HILL and writes and reviews environmental analyses in Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) and Environmental Impact Statements (EISs). She is currently working on a joint EIR/EIS that is addressing a large and complex water storage and conveyance project that is located in California.

Wendy is at At-Large Board member of NAEP. Her term is from April 2011 through April 2014. She is serving on the Education Committee, the Permanent Conference Committee, the International Committee, and she was on the committee that restructured the NAEP Working Groups and Committees. On the Education Committee, she planned and coordinated the September 2012 Webinar entitled, “USACE Permits and Associated Water Quality Certifications: Regulatory Changes Pursuant to Sections 401 and 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act”. Wendy is on the committee that reviewed applications for the first Jim Roberts Scholarship (the scholarship will be awarded at the April 2013 NAEP-AEP Conference to be held in Los Angeles!! Wendy also was on the committee that obtained the four keynote speakers for the upcoming conference. She regularly attends the quarterly NAEP Board meetings and is an active participant.

Wendy has been a member of both NAEP and AEP (California) Superior California Chapter for many years. She was Board Secretary for the AEP Superior California Chapter from 2008 through 2012, having recently stepped down to make way for new people to join the Board. She plans to stay an active chapter member.

Wendy thoroughly enjoys her participation on the NAEP Board and working with the talented, energetic, and enthusiastic group of people on the Board and committees. She is impressed with the body of knowledge that congregates to share ideas to make NAEP a productive and growing professional organization.